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Imagine walking through this gentle forest of golden quaking aspens drenched with the sun's soft backight in Utah on an early autumn morning! Yes I was lucky to plan my visit just right this time. Shooting this colorful and peaceful scene was delightful! This photo was created with one image file and processed minimally in Light Room 5. I finished it off with select sharpening in Photoshop CS5.
Gear: Canon 5D MK III, Canon f2.8 16 -35mm II lens, B+W Circular Polarizer, Induro Tripod with Really Right Stuff Ballhead.
Camera Settings ISO 400, f20 mm, 1/200 sec
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Autumn Bliss
Susan Taylor Photography | Oct 25, 2014
Views: 151
Dimensions: 816x1224
Size: 2022kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Backlight