Please comment briefly on whether or not you have exposed a roll of film in the last six months...and whether or not you might plan to in the coming months!

Please comment briefly on whether or not you have exposed a roll of film in the last six months...and whether or not you might plan to in the coming months!
No thanks, I've made the switch and won't look back.
41% (208 votes)
Yes, it might be worth a look.
16% (82 votes)
Yes, I never abandoned film and am glad that Kodak is still developing new products.
42% (212 votes)
Total votes: 502

Eric La Price's picture

I still use film exclusively for long night time sky exposures. When I am doing an exposure that will last 2-3 hours, digital cannot compare to film. With film, one does not need to worry about digital noise when it comes to long exposures. Also, when I am shooting people portraits, even though I primarily use digitial, I still like to shoot a roll of black and white film. Digital does not provide the range of black, white and gray tones that can be captured with black and white film. I am anxious to try the new Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Jim Heath's picture

We still own a number of SLRs in 35mm and 645, but I can't see a difference between 13x19 prints from our various digital cameras (4.1 mp Sony - 12.x Fujifilm s7000 deceased Canon 10D) and prints scanned with an Epson 4870 from the slides and negatives. Film costs, digital doesn't (except the cameras wear out faster).

Donnie G.'s picture

Back in 2001, I shot everything with a pair of Canon EOS 3 film camera bodies, but was curious enough about digital to purchase an Olympus E-10 digital camera. I photographed events shooting digital and film, side by side, relying on my fast handling EOS 3 bodies, with their excellent area auto-focus as my primary tools. However, I soon discovered that my E-10 was the real crowd pleaser among my customers, thanks in large part to the instant playback of images just captured and the ability to provide a few prints on the spot with the Olympus P-200 printer. And, as long as I kept my prints from the E-10 at 4x6, or smaller, no one ever complained about differences in image quality between the two media. My customers were sold on the instant gratification that digital afforded them, and I was sold on the ease with which I was able to get more event bookings as a result of their fascination with these new features. These days, I'm 100% Canon digital, shooting with EOS 40D bodies that are far superior, in terms of construction, burst rate, auto-focus, ease of handling, reliability, and image quality, to the film cameras they replaced. So, for me, there's no going back to film, but that's me. There are still millions of disposable film cameras sold each year, as well as, medium and large format systems that use film, because it's the better choice for those users. So, yes, it makes sense for Kodak to continue to improve it's film products for as long as there is a market for such products. Film is still King in many markets, and will be for a long time to come.

Jennifer's picture

I hope there will always be a place for film...

Jeff Becker's picture

Occasionally clients still need me to shoot film. But I'm not sure why they still do development. And they used the name Ektar before.

Greg's picture

I wish that would come out with a 120/220 size of this film.

April DeBord's picture

I haven't developed film in awhile. i kinda miss it, but clients like instant gratification.

Carlton Braden's picture

Film still is the best way to determine where you rate as a photographer. Film is unforgiving where as digital, you can always delete and start over.

Peggy Coleman's picture

Although I shoot mostly black and white film, Kodak and Ilford. I would like to try the new Kodak color film just to see the difference. I love film and digital equally and use it to suit my mood at the moment. As long as film is still being manufactured, I'll still use it.

David Russell's picture

My overall favorite is Fuji Velvia 50 but still utilize Porta for people pictures.

Jim Strain's picture

I still use a MF rangefinder and love using color negative film because of the flexibility it gives me. Cannot afford the size file in a digital camera that a MF negative scanned at 4000 dpi can give me.

Jim Long's picture

I still have two film cameras but doubt I will ever use them again.

Chet Spiro's picture

Never thought of digital as an alternative to film. It is great having so many ways to explore a subject. Having both makes the art of photography more enjoyable. Instant film will be missed.

Dave's picture

I shoot 80% film still has a place. Die hard Fuji Pro Velvia fan though.

Ron Head's picture

Age 66. Still totally dedicated to film. Do not even own a digital camera.

J.  Michael Malec's picture

I shoot MF, and a little swing-lens 35mm panorama, but I do scan all the results, and have abandoned the darkroom. I would also use my Sinar if I really needed corrections on something.

Greg Barc's picture

I can't wait to try it. I am in the market for a medium format film camera at the moment and wish they would put out some at 120 format.

Ted's picture

Bought a used Nikon f6. Fabulous plus. Bought a brick of Ektar 100. I'm just a 75 year old amateur who also has a Nikon D-300 with 6 lenses.

James C.  Williams's picture

Thanks for remembering some of us DO USE FILM!!! It is annoying that articles still get printed saying "Film Not Dead Yet"! Please print more film related articles.

Jim Keegan's picture

Lots of high quality 35mm camera gear with a lot of life left!

John C.  Driskill's picture

I enjoy working with both film and digital. I was given a 1955 Agfa folder 35mm for Christmas and I can't wait to burn a roll. Of course I love people who sell their film cameras for next to nothing at garage sales since they went digital totally.

Jerry DaBell's picture

I still own the SLR but haven't exposed a frame of film since purchasing my first digital cameras in May of 2004.

John Caruso's picture

I love shooting film, and even though I tend to lean toward Fuji products, I'm intrigued by the new Ektar and am looking forward to running a few rolls through my cameras.

S.  Wright's picture

I've shot several rolls and it is a superb film with great skin colors and very easy to scan!!!!

Gary's picture

Although I shoot mainly digital now I still use film for certain subjects. Glad to see we still have options for film.

Ernest Hemingway, Jr.'s picture

Too much trouble. It's more fun doing digital, both exposure & processing and it is cheaper.

Jim Ross's picture

Looking forward to this new film. I have both film and digital slrs, and prefer film with digital I am spending to much time being a computer tech.

Steve's picture

A good lense and film is still better than a good lense and digital. I will use both.

Keith Leafdale's picture

I just happened to have run a roll of film through my old Pentax MX, replacing batteries in the flash, keeping the equipment in working order. Amazed at what I had forgotten.

David Lambert's picture

Just bought a Nikon D90 a month ago. Apart from hating Kodak 200 ASA film, (grain!) I was quite happy with my Nikon F4 and assorted lenses. Where I live in Canada, 100 ASA color print film is very hard to find. A ready supply of 100 ASA film will make me very happy that I did not sell my beloved F4. Shot 6 rolls of Kodak 200 ASA print film in Newfoundland last September. Even at 8 X 12 the grain is horrible. My 5 yr old Fine Pix did a better job!
