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This photo was captured at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge near my home. This particular day, some snow had fallen days earlier, and I drove along the river searching for waterfowl and saw these geese on the other side. They remained in their positions (although with their long necks and heads in the alert position) while I adjusted my camera settings in the car. Slowly I opened the door and got out. As soon as they saw me do that, they began honking and took flight. I was ready with the camera, shooting in continuous mode and focus, in order to get this shot. I try not to scare birds by staying out of their space but they will still leave whenever they detect any movement. I like to use a tripod when possible but this shot was made using the car to steady the camera and lens. The sun was getting low in the sky so ISO was set @ 6400 so that shutter speed 1/2000 could be used to freeze the bird but allow some wing blur for motion. The lens was wide open but still had good depth of field because I was a good distance away from the birds.
Nikon D850, AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens @ 450mm, 1/2000, F/5.6, ISO 6400