Briefly comment on your reaction to Kodak's announcement of a new color negative film.

Briefly comment on your reaction to Kodak's announcement of a new color negative film.
I never stopped shooting film.
47% (291 votes)
I do not work with film anymore.
30% (187 votes)
I shoot film rarely, but still have my film cameras and sometimes shoot a roll or two.
23% (145 votes)
Total votes: 623

David Stowell's picture

Film has never quit making good pictures. I believe that film makes better photograhy skills because of the tendency to make every shot count. Although I enjoy digital very much I also enjoy film as a distinct medium. Artists don't just paint on canvas and they don't all use oils.

Hal Muhrlein's picture

Glad to know that good film is still being introduced but I have no plans to return to using film.

Frank D.  Scharf's picture

I am not interested in a film with an ASA of 100. If I shoot film, I like an ASA of 400, and am happy with 12 X 18 size prints, which shows up with acceptable grain from currently offered films.

John R.  Harris, Sr.'s picture

I teach photography at the College of So. MD (CSM) and teach my digital students that shooting film and then scanning in the slides or negs is a preferred way to capture fine detail. I'm glad Kodak is still giving us new, better film.

Dave Hutchinson's picture

I put away my film camera in 2003. I carried the film camera as a backup body to my new digital SLR on a 2 week cruise of the Baltic. I shot 3000 digital pictures on that trip and I have not picked up my film camera since!

Seymour Rubinstein's picture

As a former film and darkroom advocate, I have made the total switch to digital for all my photography.

Marie Johansen's picture

I can remember when I started photography school - digital cameras were JUST coming into vogue and we all said they would "never be as good as film"...a fine example of never say never!

Wally Lubzik's picture

Why? Just about everyone is digital. If you shoot film it gets scanned to make prints now that all the labs have digital printing systems. I haven't shot film since 2000.

John Embry's picture

Great. I still want to have prints made and the finer the grain the better. I don't think prints are old fashioned and I have 3 digital cameras.

Bill Wells's picture

I use portra 800, the BEST ever! I'll have to try the new Ektar 100.

Chuck Cressman's picture

I wonder if people asked if radio would finally die and go away when Television first came on the scene?

Joseph G.'s picture

I am curious to try it. But for my serious work, I am 100% digital.

Mark's picture

I shot film for 25 years, but quit using film 5 years ago as only 10% of the images one shoots are keepers! With digital's immediate playback capabilities, you know immediately if I've got a keeper! It's been 5 years since I've used film!

Brad Bode's picture

I used to shoot just film.Then they took my kodachrome away. I've been shooting NIKON pro end digital ever since with few regrets. I like the idea of Kodak's new ISO 100 and wouldn't mind burning a few rolls.

Donovan Rieger's picture

Film/digital is about 50-50 with me. Color film is Reala and B&W is Ilford FP4+. I just can't quit shooting with my film cameras: Leica M3 and Nikon F3P.

Otto Raggambi's picture

I would not mind to use films from time to time. I still have a number of Zeiss lenses. But my preference would be slide rather than film since some of the Japanese slides are excellent.

Dennis's picture

The flexibility of the media, quality of the images and the ability to work outside the darkroom made the decision a no-brainer for me.

Walt Grondona's picture

The only time I use film is to utilize transparencies. I still love, Fuji Velvia and keep a Nikon F5 just for that use.

Craig Tarcon's picture

Never stopped shooting film.I shoot 20% color film, 20% digital and 60% traditional black & white film. I just bought ten rolls of Ektar 100.

Jim Volan's picture

If I want to be sure of getting important pictures right, I use film.

Mitch Preston's picture

In the fall of 1999, I took a course at Maine Photographic Workshops, led by David Middleton. He was so impressed with the color saturation I obtained with Kodak 100VS film that it prompted him to include a mention of this film along side of the Fuji film that for years had been a professional's standard. I use 100VS to this day.

Ed T.'s picture

I prefer to shoot either color slide film or B&W negative film, so a new color negative film doesn't excite me so much. However, I will probably shoot a roll or two, just to see how it looks.

John Krill's picture

Mostly Black and White - Tri-X I still love going into the darkroom but now I only make contact sheets. Still have the enlarger but never use it.

Richard A.  Auchter's picture

Hard to believe that the 35mm film format of this color negative will find a market. Medium and large format sizes may still find a market, but it is hard to imagine myself purchasing any more 35mm film for my Nikon 35mm film cameras. They have not just taken a back seat, but have exited the bus entirely and gone into the museum......

Mel Reimer's picture

I still have a fine system of Canon 35mm film cameras & accessories & Rollei 6000 medium format film system. Film still has some uses for me.

Colin's picture

It's good to see Kodak continuing to improve on films for us all. I would like to see it in 120/ 220 size too, though. It would be an additional product for us medium format users. I look forward to a Shutterbug review of this new emulsion

Daniel Rees 's picture

I own both digital and film cameras. The film cameras do things digital cannot as of yet and I have no trouble seeing image through the camera. The 35mms are not battery " hogs" either as many digitals can be and loose power at an inconvenient time. There is space for both and film will probably remain in use as vinyl phonograph discs have.

Eddy Chan's picture

Between film and digital is really the instant gratification / feed back of digital cameras. Also, cost is a definite killer of film. Now if only there are places that do film processing with good scanning may be equivalent to 10MP ?

John Rivard's picture

Digital cameras have gotten so good, along with the editing software, that I rarely even think of film anymore. If I want a certain "look" that one of my old films or lenses delivered, I only have to tweak a few settings on my DSLR and slightly adjust my Photoshop work-flow. I do not miss the "wet" darkroom or waiting for slides to come back, only to be scanned for inkjet printing anyway.

William Huebsch's picture

Sadly, film left me. On vacation in 2003, I dropped off some film to be processed at what had been a reputable photo processor. Only the tech who normally ran the mini-lab was also on vacation. Ruined film, ruined vacation, create one digital convert.
